Jeweller: Difference between revisions

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Whilst '''[[Smith|Smiths]]''' may work in metal, Jewellers specify in the most valuable of metals and alloys, seeking to elevate their craft with the rarest of materials.
== Summary ==
There is a saying in '''[[Bormar]]''' that wealth is power. And while this is a saying no First House family would argue, wealth alone has no purpose unless it is known you have it. Jewellers are the way to show your wealth, and are highly sought after craftsdwarves in any outpost.
Jewellers can transform ordinaryingots stonesof andmetal oresinto inmany totypes the finestof jewellery, withcustomising their craftdescriptions, -transforming rings,rough bracelets,'''[[Gemstones|gemstones]]''' andto necklacesfinely fromcut manymasterpieces differentand metals,setting them all fitwithin witha dazzlingsingle [[Gemstones|'''gemstones''']]piece.
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|'''Total Skill Points Required For Max Level'''
|Click Combos
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|Mass Smelt
|By digging up types of stone, Miners have a chance to find '''[[Gemstones|gemstones]]''' or other rare minerals. The higher your level, the higher chance you will have and the more variety of gemstones you will find.
|1 SP
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== Tools And Equipment ==
A typical Jewellers useworkshop may be filled with a wide rangevariety of tools, such as chisels, gravers, and polishing cloths in order to create the finest cut gems and jewellery. An area for general metal working is usually found, with a basic forge set up to enable the creation of basic jewellery.
Jewellers may keep supplies of metals and gemstones in their places of residence, under lock and key.
[[File:JewellerRingExample.png|thumb|An example of a high quality piece of jewellery. An embellished tungsten ring, with three gemstones set into it.]]
== Jewellers In-Game ==
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Gem cutters, gem polishers, engravers, enamelers, silver smiths, gold smiths, and bankers could all use the Jeweller profession.
Jewellers will often be the first people to see when an object wrought of precious metals is wanted or required. Aside from jewellery, this could extend to things like watches, goblets, crowns and other unique items.