Kon Belben: Difference between revisions

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*'''3 Juntag''' - A meeting is held with the Human spider tribe, revealing the history of Gellion's Cross as well as the monstrous drake that prowls its skies: Arikora.
*'''6 Juntag''' - Ceannard Kalastra strikes a deal with the Fitgins & Sons Trading Company opening Kon Belben up to trade with Bormar.
*'''11 Juntag''' - The human tribal Ethoko tells the Dwarves of three ancient "arrows" that can be used to kill the monstrous Arikora. The first expedition succeeds in recovering the first of the arrows, which is actually a ballista bolt. dubbed the Skyshrieker
*'''19 Juntag''' - The final iteration of the Outpost's laws, ''The High Articles of Kon Belben'', is released by Kell Kalastra.
*'''24 Juntag''' - A festival is held at the new mine to celebrate everything that has been accomplished by the Dwarves of Kon Belben thus far.
*'''25 Juntag''' - The second expedition to find the ancient arrowSkyshrieker is held, leading the Dwarves into a deeptunnel filled with Stone Trolls. The arrow is recovered and brought back to the Outpost.
*'''1 Augtag''' - The third expedition to find the ancient Skyshrieker bolt is held, resulting in a battle with the great drake Arikora in an ancient battlefield. The Dwarves of Kon Belben manage to hit the great beast in the eye with one of the bolts, causing it to flee and lick its wounds.
*'''12 Augtag''' - The final expedition is held to reclaim Thol Urdim after its location is finally revealed. The Dwarves fight the foul and monstrous remnants of some of the hold's former residents, including the Iron Scribes.
*'''13 Augtag''' - Delving to the deepest reaches of Thol Urdim, the Dwarves of Kon Belben battle Arikora. The great beast is struck down after hitting it with several Skyshriekers, but the Dwarves make a dreadful discovery of what lies beneath the great fortress...
*'''14 Augtag to Present''' - [[The Fate Of Kon Belben|'''The Fate of Kon Belben''']]
== Notable Residents ==