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Added timeline info
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A small Outpost was established in Gellion's Cross, a short trip from the borders of Bormar '''[[Bormar]]'''. Due to the discovery of an ancient document by Lord Tolbar Maldus that hinted at an ancient Dwarven presence in the area, an expedition was launched to settle the land and unravel its mysteries.
Kon Belben was established on the Northeastern coastline of Gellion's Cross. It was founded upon a collection of stone ruins built by unknown hands.
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== Economy ==
The economy of Kon Belben was diverse, with no one single item or trade dominating any other. Plenty of local businesses offered a variety of goods and services, including Moldaths' Simple Smithy, Folly Moss Alchemy, and the Gellion's Cross Postal Service, and several others.
Regular trade was established with Bormar in the 6th of Juntag 812, when Ceannard Kalastra came to an agreement with Trade Officer Doratrir of the Fitgins & Sons Trading Company. From that point onwards, Kon Belben's docks would have several traders present for the Outpost's Dwarves to barter with whenever they pleased.
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== Timeline ==
=== ??? ===
* In ancient Bormar, a mysterious Dwarf of unknown nationality [[A Stranger Arrives|'''arrives''']] with great wealth and knowledge.
=== 810 BY ===
* After facing a string of misfortunes that have stripped him and his holding of Blashryk of its wealth, Lord Tolbar Maldus discovers an ancient document revealing that Gellion's Cross was once a Dwarven realm. This persuades the Office of Outpost Affairs to support an expedition to the region to learn more of this information and recover resources for All Bormar. Lord Maldus is promised a cut of the earnings of the expedition, and recruitment begins immediately.
=== 812 BY ===
* '''14 Jantag'''
* '''14th Jantag''' -* The expedition is launched to reclaim Gellion's Cross.
** The two expedition ships are attacked by a massive drake, destroying one of the vessels.
** The expedition makes camp in some abandoned ruins near the coast.
** Cleric Dogor opens the doors to the Church of All to any Dwarf in the Outpost.
*'''17 Jantag''' - A nightwolf hunt reveals that the local beasts are infected by a bizarre infection of slime, clusters of which are soon found on a local hillside
*'''22 Jantag''' - An ancient, abandoned deeptunnel is discovered and explored after wiping out the Stone Trolls that infested it.
*'''29 Jantag''' - Stone Trolls attack the Outpost
*'''4 Febtag''' - An expedition is launched to remove the slime from the nearby hills, resulting in subterranean battles, the slaying of the Apex Slims, and the death of the Dwarf, Idrath Nish.
*'''11 Febtag''' - The Dwarves discover a drake nest near the Outpost but manage to slay the beast and destroy its eggs.
*'''12 Febtag''' - The giant Stone Troll known as Pebbil begins marching on the Outpost, starting a five-day series of battle to stop the monstrous creature from destroying the expedition. Several plans are proposed on how to kill the great beast, and local smith Moldath Eshtan declares himself as "emergency leader" despite having little support in doing so.
*'''17 Febtag''' - Pebbil the Stone Troll is slain after being hit with a ballista bolt, his rocky carcass fell into the Outpost's bay and became a permanent feature of its waters.
*'''19 Febtag''' - Roslynn Vidluf and Ankoth Reknor come to blows in the Outpost, leading to the death of Roslynn. Firey debates begin surrounding justice, resulting in a call to form an Outpost government.
*'''6 Martag''' - After nearly a month of debates, proposals, and voting, the Articles of the Settlement are chosen as the Outpost's governing text.
*'''13 Martag''' - Thorgrin Metalfist is chosen as the Outpost's first Ceannard, leading to a flurry of debates and the departure of the Outpost Librarian, Keeper Magog, from Gellion's Cross.
*'''16 Martag''' - The '''[[Grol]]''' merchant known as Belbo the Amazing arrives at the Outpost to peddle his wares.
*'''5 Aptag''' - Thorgrin Metalfist resigns as Ceannard due to personal matters, and a new election to fill the position begins almost immediately.
*'''7 Aptag''' - The Outpost is nearly overwhelmed by massive spiders commanded by a mysterious tribe of Humans native to Gellion's Cross. A tentative peace agreement is struck between the Humans and Dwarves.
*'''11 Aptag''' - Kell Kalastra is elected as the Outpost's second Ceannard
*'''28 Aptag''' - After refusing attempts at a peacefull resolution, Ankoth Reknor, murderer of Roslynn Vidluf, is slain in the Outpost at the hands of the Outpost's ad-hoc molir led by Kell Kalastra.
*'''6 Maytag''' - Trade Officer Doratrir of the Fitgins & Sons Trading Company arrives in the Outpost to establish trade with Bormar.
*'''24 Maytag''' - The Outpost is officially named Kon Belben, Old Dwarven for "Four Goats", in honor of the four surviving goats used to distract the spider attack on 7 Aptag.
*'''3 Juntag''' - A meeting is held with the Human spider tribe, revealing the history of Gellion's Cross as well as the monstrous drake that prowls its skies: Arikora.
*'''6 Juntag''' - Ceannard Kalastra strikes a deal with the Fitgins & Sons Trading Company opening Kon Belben up to trade with Bormar.
*'''11 Juntag''' - The human tribal Ethoko tells the Dwarves of three ancient "arrows" that can be used to kill the monstrous Arikora. The first expedition succeeds in recovering the first of the arrows, which is actually a ballista bolt.
*'''19 Juntag''' - The final iteration of the Outpost's laws, ''The High Articles of Kon Belben'', is released by Kell Kalastra.
*'''24 Juntag''' - A festival is held at the new mine to celebrate everything that has been accomplished by the Dwarves of Kon Belben thus far.
*'''25 Juntag''' - The second expedition to find the ancient arrow is held, leading the Dwarves into a deeptunnel filled with Stone Trolls. The arrow is recovered and brought back to the Outpost.*
== Notable Residents ==