Kon Belben: Difference between revisions

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=== The Sobal Observatory ===
Vemghall Astrology, a members only astrology association.
A glass dome with a powerful telescope to view the heavenly bodies.
A lounge with drinks and a Telkrat board to relax.
=== The Central Tower ===
When the Dwarves first discovered the ruins on which Kon Belben was built, the only standing structure was a large tower at its center. Its stairs were rickety and its foundations uncertain, but with some effort, the Dwarves stabilized the structure. The roads of the Outpost all converged upon the tower, and it became the center of most activity. When the Office of Outpost Affairs required tribute, the goods were initially gathered in the tower. Meetings were also held in its shade, particularly the meeting held by the newly elected Ceannard, Thorgrin Metalfist.