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|Genre= Diary
The personal diary of '''[[Khestor ThirdirlunThidirlun]]''', MarshalGovernor of [[Zietal Mar|'''Zietal Mar''']]. These recollections begin after he was elected leader of the Outpost by his fellow Dwarves, and ending with his pondering the predicimantpredicament of the [[Chapter One|'''All-Gem''']].
== Entry 1 ==
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== Entry 2 ==
''It has been a few days, I have written up some drafts and will invite Ilzar, [[Ogrona Frontik|'''Ogrona''']], Gramsik and Sigmarr into my Office to appoint them as Consuls. The lower chamber will be abolished. This gives leaders more power, as Governor - renamed from Overseer - I personally appoint the Consuls. Zietal Mar will be run my way, for Bormar - for success. I truly believe this Outpost can become a jewel of Bormar’s overseas territories. I just need to set it up for this almighty task.''
''In other news, the walls are about ¾ completed. I carried out most of the work. The Deeptunnel is also progressing thanks to [[Grabhol Faulkrunn|'''Grabhol''']], Batner and other helpers digging it out.''
== Entry 3 ==
''In the last week or so I have officially appointed Ilzar, Ogrona and Gramsik as Consuls for the Economy, Public Affairs and Molir respectively. Sigmarr did not take up the offer of Religious Consul, stating his belief in the faith was waning. I hope they will be able to help me steer this outpost into a secure future.''
''Something more noteworthy has occurred however. It seems a Bormar Ship, top-of-the-line, was sent here by Lord Voman. I think I saw it a couple of days ago, but it has since sailed into the river flowing by the Savannah. As we approached, it was evident that the ship had been Overrun by '''[[Grol]]'''. I managed to lead the effort in clearing the ship and discovering a vault aboard the ship, after taking it out of some sort of secure mode. Within it there were some books written by the Captain - which Ogrona took - an Adamantine helmet in the shape of a Mar Goat which I will take as Governor, as well as a research book and severed thumb which I have taken to study alongside the other work I know of relating to the All-Gem. I have decided, I think, to take on the role of Governor more permanently. After seeing how much they needed my leadership, I think it would be for the best in the foreseeable future.''
''The walls and deeptunnel have been completed, I’ve buried any deceased sailors of the ship with our Dwarven kin.''
== Entry 4 ==
''I have made a bit of progress with my [[Zietal Mar's Lost Pages|'''Ruined Journals and Tattered Pages''']]. It seems there were previous settlers here whom also searched for the All-Gem, sent by Voman. Although, later on I think Lord Voman ambushed them for it perhaps? Slightly concerning, nonetheless.''
''In other news I have pushed on with working on the Fort, which I shall name Fort Thidir - after myself - so that there’s something to remember me by when I’m gone. I’ve appointed Sigmarr as head architect for the moment, and gathered a group of dwarves to help dig some of the hallways.''
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== Entry 6 ==
''These [[Mooshroom Invasion Study|'''weird mushroom Bulls''']] had ambushed the Outpost yesterday… They seem to have stemmed from fungal matter out in the forests, and we fought this huge living tree-like fungus towards the end, the spores were infectious but luckily no one has died from them I think. It was quite an event.''
''Construction on defence projects and otherwise continues at a good pace, and the Outpost is beginning to come together. Currency and Taxation are issues my government continues to work on, I am introducing the first round of Public Contributions tomorrow. [[Gib Andosk|'''Gib Andosk''']] has been appointed as my new Consul, he seems very eager to begin public service, and even writes an independent newspaper I enjoy reading.''
== Entry 7 ==
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''He also also introduced freedom of information requests, citing it would help public relations. Whilst I’m not a fan of it directly, Gib certainly knows what he’s doing. I’m glad to have him working with me.''
''Gib has also been told of what I know, in brief, about Lord Voman and the All-Gem. I think he will search for it in his spare time. I have also handed the books over to [[Zeb Burnsthewick|'''Zeb''']] for deeper analysis.''
== Entry 10 ==
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''I’ve asked the Outpost to give me their opinion on the matter of the Gem, to give me some insight as to what may be right to do, though if it does not align with my own opinion it will be ever so harsh a decision to have to come to. Voman, too, has sent two letters. One in which he asks about the All-Gem, whether it exists or not, if the stories are true. I have answered his prayers and enlightened him to its existence, and that we know of its location. Though I have not shared the fact that we now possess it, I did ask what the reward may be for the hard working dwarves who return the Gem to Voman. I planned, initially, to stall what we believed to be his imminent military arrival. Upon return of a second letter however, addressed directly to me, he told the Outpost that each and every dwarf past and present whom had worked and lived in Zietal Mar will be handed riches to last them centuries. In addition, Lord Voman proclaimed that he himself does not wish to have the All-Gem, infact, that it should go directly to Bormar…''
[[Category:WorldChapter One]]