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This is a Diary by [[Khestor Thidirlun]], written during [[Chapter One]] of Dwarves! whilst living in [[Zietal Mar]]. It begins from his time as Governor.
|Written= 802 BY
|Country= Bormar
|Author= [[Khestor Thidirlun]]
|Genre= Diary
And so it begins, my reign over Zietal Mar. Temporarily for now, I think. I would quite like to continue life as a Marshal, be a check on Overseer’s power and run the Military. It is my passion, after all, and being a soldier is what I know for a large part of my life.
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It has been a few days, I have written up some drafts and will invite Ilzar, Ogrona, Gramsik and Sigmarr into my Office to appoint them as Consuls. The lower chamber will be abolished. This gives leaders more power, as Governor - renamed from Overseer - I personally appoint the Consuls. Zietal Mar will be run my way, for Bormar - for success. I truly believe this Outpost can become a jewel of Bormar’s overseas territories. I just need to set it up for this almighty task.
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In the last week or so I have officially appointed Ilzar, Ogrona and Gramsik as Consuls for the Economy, Public Affairs and Molir respectively. Sigmarr did not take up the offer of Religious Consul, stating his belief in the faith was waning. I hope they will be able to help me steer this outpost into a secure future.
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I have made a bit of progress with my Ruined Journals and Tattered Pages. It seems there were previous settlers here whom also searched for the All-Gem, sent by Voman. Although, later on I think Lord Voman ambushed them for it perhaps? Slightly concerning, nonetheless.
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Someone has broken into Ogrona’s Library, and she has thus stepped down - fearing she may be targeted for being in government. I shall seek out a new Consul of P.A.
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These weird mushroom Bulls had ambushed the Outpost yesterday… They seem to have stemmed from fungal matter out in the forests, and we fought this huge living tree-like fungus towards the end, the spores were infectious but luckily no one has died from them I think. It was quite an event.
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Grabhol and his Umbral Hand guild become more and more suspicious day by day. Originally thought to be a simple jeweller, he has continued to amass resources and wealth, tucking them away, as well as recruiting new arrivals for his locked-away and hidden Guild. Their red emblem also resembles grol insignia to me. Captain Gramsik and members of the Molir seem uneasy too. I took an investigation around the guild briefly, some recruitment books mention detaching themselves from government too. Worrying, slightly.
In the past week there have been multiple standoffs between Grabhol, His Guild, and law enforcement. Since then, however he was slaughtered by Grol in the red hills. Gramsik, along with Gib, went through his Guildhall to find evil lairs, throne rooms, and much more. It seems we were right, he was a madman and intent on bringing anarchy to this Outpost of mine. I shall not have this stand - although it almost occurred.
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In response to the Umbral Hand, my Consul for Public Affairs, Gib Andosk, has introduced the “Official Guilds act” which encourages guilds to work with the government and other citizens so that we can get projects completed and the state can help promote the allocation of resources.
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Some Dwarves of Zietal Mar and I snuck into a grol festival, they had captured Zeb. During it, we learnt a bit about the Grol, their language and ancestry - as well as the fact they are too seeking the All-Gem. Unfortunately, Oldenkurn had his mask fall off and blew our cover. Some darn fools slaughtered the Grol Children too. Skorj, one of the leaders, was incredibly angry the day or so after when he approached our Outpost and sent warriors to fight us.
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After a number of ambushes in recent days, during one of them Gib and I followed Grol out into the spruce forest - eventually being followed by other dwarves - and managed to defeat Skorj and find out that the Grol still consider Voman a friend… This confirms some of our worries, and I have warned the citizens of Zietal Mar of what we believe may be true, as well as enter a State of Outpost Defence I which we believe an invasion may be imminent. Preparations for such are being ramped up. For some reason they let Skorj run free instead of take him as prisoner… I’d have tried to get more information out of him, but Ogrona and more importantly Gib believed we could build relations with him.
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Skorj has been killed. Apparently he went on a wild rampage. If only they had listened to their Governor and Marshal.
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I’ve asked the Outpost to give me their opinion on the matter of the Gem, to give me some insight as to what may be right to do, though if it does not align with my own opinion it will be ever so harsh a decision to have to come to. Voman, too, has sent two letters. One in which he asks about the All-Gem, whether it exists or not, if the stories are true. I have answered his prayers and enlightened him to its existence, and that we know of its location. Though I have not shared the fact that we now possess it, I did ask what the reward may be for the hard working dwarves who return the Gem to Voman. I planned, initially, to stall what we believed to be his imminent military arrival. Upon return of a second letter however, addressed directly to me, he told the Outpost that each and every dwarf past and present whom had worked and lived in Zietal Mar will be handed riches to last them centuries. In addition, Lord Voman proclaimed that he himself does not wish to have the All-Gem, infact, that it should go directly to Bormar…
''[The Diary ends here, with no further entries, and the book being left open on Khestor’s bedroom desk.]''
[[Category:World One]]