Thornheim: Difference between revisions

Added text for legislation
(Fleshed out Government & Politics)
(Added text for legislation)
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=== The Half-Congress ===
Thornheim's government was decided to be a representative democracy early into its history. While this plan cause a [[The Falsehood: Democracy|numbe]]<nowiki/>r of [[The Sanitae|criticisms]], the concept was made official and the Thornheim Half-Congress was established. The reason for this name was the fact that not every Dwarf would not be a member of the Congress, but would instead be citizens who would vote representatives to act on their behalf.
The elected representatives were known as Congydwarves, with a Speaker chosen from among them who would funciton as the Half-Congress' presiding officer. Various subordinate positions were created by the Half-Congress, such as the Hills MarshalHillsmarshal who would command the Outpost's molir, as well as various "Landydwarves" who would administer the Outpost as designated by the Half-Congress.
==== Half-Congress Membership ====
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==== Notable Policies ====
''HC-1 Bill-1'' - The first piece of legislation was the smallest of the bunch, proposing a census of the Outpost's Dwarves to take place.
HC-1 Bill-1 -
''HC-1 Bill 2'' - Created the procedure of "Terra Taka", creating a method to for the Half-Congress to take pieces of land and property for public use.
HC-1 Bill 2 -
''HC-1 Bill 3'' - Seized various pieces of land using the "Terra Taka" procedure, establishing a hospital, storage building, boarding house and library.
HC-1 Bill 3 -
''HC-1 Bill 4'' - Established several laws and punishments which were to be handled by the Thornheim molir which was also created in this legislation and was to be led by a Hillsmarshal.
HC-1 Bill 4 -
=== The Molir ===