The Life of a Governor: Difference between revisions

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''I’ve asked the Outpost to give me their opinion on the matter of the Gem, to give me some insight as to what may be right to do, though if it does not align with my own opinion it will be ever so harsh a decision to have to come to. Voman, too, has sent two letters. One in which he asks about the All-Gem, whether it exists or not, if the stories are true. I have answered his prayers and enlightened him to its existence, and that we know of its location. Though I have not shared the fact that we now possess it, I did ask what the reward may be for the hard working dwarves who return the Gem to Voman. I planned, initially, to stall what we believed to be his imminent military arrival. Upon return of a second letter however, addressed directly to me, he told the Outpost that each and every dwarf past and present whom had worked and lived in Zietal Mar will be handed riches to last them centuries. In addition, Lord Voman proclaimed that he himself does not wish to have the All-Gem, infact, that it should go directly to Bormar…''
[[Category:WorldChapter One]]