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The Life of a Governor: Difference between revisions

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The personal diary of Khestor Thirdirlun, Marshal of Zietal Mar. These recollections begin after he was elected leader of the Outpost by his fellow Dwarves, and ending with his pondering the predicimant of the All-Gem.
== Entry 1 ==
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|Genre= Diary
The personal diary of Khestor Thirdirlun, Marshal of Zietal Mar. These recollections begin after he was elected leader of the Outpost by his fellow Dwarves, and ending with his pondering the predicimant of the All-Gem.
== Entry 1 ==
''And so it begins, my reign over Zietal Mar. Temporarily for now, I think. I would quite like to continue life as a Marshal, be a check on Overseer’s power and run the Military. It is my passion, after all, and being a soldier is what I know for a large part of my life.''
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