The Rules

From Dwarves! - Minecraft Roleplaying Server
Revision as of 17:00, 19 October 2022 by DwarvesRoleplay (talk | contribs)


We have a number of guidelines and rules in place in the server; both in-game and on the Discord.

These rules can be updated at any time and we will make the players aware of such changes through updates via the news-and-updates channel in the Discord. However, it is up to each player to remain up-to-date on them.

Trying to use loopholes, or stating that things are not directly specified will count as an infringement.

The punishments for these rules will be a warning, followed by a temporary ban and then a permanent ban.

The Dwarves Team! reserves the right to skip any of these punishments if they feel that it is necessary.

Any appeals or disagreements about the rules should be taken up with the Dwarves Team!

Be Civil

Try to be polite and well-mannered to both players and our Team! in both the Discord and in-game. If your character is a foul-mouthed brute, make sure it doesn't extend out-of-character as well.

No Metagaming

Your character will not know things you do and, similarly, will not be able to do everything. This includes establishing your character, prior to joining the map, as having experiences, abilities or belongings that you do not mechanically start with. Powerful or very high-standing relations, martial experience, crafting abilities or other such things are not generally allowed without prior agreement from the Dwarves Team! If you wish to expand your character in this way, please discuss it with the Team! first. Set limits for yourself and try and keep IC and OOC discussion, dialogue and talks, separate.

Character Deaths

You are allowed two deaths as a character. The first will yield short-term injuries, the second must be dealt in a sensible manner and yield long term injuries. The third death will be the final one and you must create a new character.

Don't make it a carbon-copy, or a thinly veiled continuation.

You may retire your character and start a new one, but you will lose all of that previous characters skills and belongings. The character will be treated as returning to their hometown, or whatever in-character reason you give. You may only retire 1 character per map and you may return as your retired character after 60 real-life days have passed.

If you die due to lag or software issues and this can be proved, the death may be overruled.

No Child Characters

Your character must be of full maturity, no exceptions. Characters with mental disorders and syndromes are not allowed, unless discussed and agreed first with a member of the Dwarves Team!. This includes schizophrenia, any form of madness and similar afflictions.

No Graphic Material

We will not allow detailed descriptions of torture, sexual content or otherwise; either in-game or in the Discord. This applies to images, videos and every other type of media as well.


Stealing is allowed, but there are multiple sub-rules that must be followed. Under any circumstances, including stealing from abandoned buildings or deceased characters, a sign must be left at the location of the theft, hinting to the culprit. These can be hairs of a particular colour, or tell-tales signs of your profession or hobbies. False clues may also be allowed, if you have sufficient in-character reasoning behind them. You may steal up to 4 items every real-life day. Any more than this is seen as excessive and may result in a punishment. If you wish to protect your items properly, please build some form of redstone lock. With redstone locks, signs hinting to the culprit must be left for any attempts to open them, actually breaking the lock, or if a redstone torch is used.


Do not break blocks of another players builds unless you have specific permission from a member of the Dwarves Team! Usually, this will be due to the build not being in-line with the limitations of the game, or an abandoned build. Small-scale (1-3 blocks) of low-quality materials (wood, stone, clay, etc) will be allowed for appropriate in-character reasons. You will be allowed to destroy items owned by another character, but only 1 every real-life day. Any more than this, without express permission from the member of the Dwarves Team! will be seen as infringement of the griefing rule. This rule also applies to placing blocks and includes torches, redstone, plants and anything else a player can place. As with stealing, a sign must be placed showing the actions done and a hint as to the culprits identity. If you wish to change the terrain or landscape in a large or dramatic way, please consult a member of the Dwarves Team! first. You must have in-character reasoning for doing so.


No mob-grinders, floating builds, fully-automated farms or powergaming/metagaming builds. This includes mass-farming of animals and anti-AFK measures. Traps and defences may be built for a number of in-character reasons, but must meet the following criteria to be allowed: Each trap must have a clear warning sign, or a verbal warning. No insta-kill traps are allowed. The trap must be visible. Any redstone mechanisms must be in a suitable built chamber. The entrance or exit of the trap must not be impeded - if a Dwarf wishes to escape, they must be able to. Potion dispensers are not allowed. Suitable materials must be used - iron blocks when utilising lava, for example. Any collateral damage caused by the trap must be agreed with by a member of the Dwarves Team!


PVP is allowed, but you must emote, message or otherwise alert your target that you are about to engage in fighting before you do so, in order to give the other party a decent chance. Any deaths that result from combat that has not been properly announced, will probably be retconned. Please contact a member of the Dwarves Team! if this happens.

Client-Side Mods

Player-side mods that give an advantage, like X-ray Packs are not allowed. If you are not sure, ask a member of the Dwarves! team.


No discussion of politics or arguments about religion are allowed in public channels.


You may keep a mob as a pet if you wish, but it will still behave and be treated as a hostile mob. If they are despawned, you may ask for it back. If they are killed, you must treat it as an in-character issue. You are not allowed to tame any wolves.