
From Dwarves! - Minecraft Roleplaying Server

A floating city made up of ships, rafts, boats and other floating devices, lashed together with rope and planks. Even though the actual city is nigh-impossible to find, one can always find rumors of its whereabouts in shady seaside taverns. Among the Dwarves of Bormar, Brandbaar is treated by most as little more than a tall tale.


It’s unclear when this city was founded, but most people think the first ships there were shipwrecked on the reefs thanks to the un-deep waters. Many believe this initial founding was somewhere near the Shattered Coast, whose geography makes sailing especially hazardous and remote.

As the city exists somewhere on the open ocean, far away from the established nations of the world, Brandbaar is known as a refuge for those who can no longer travel on the mainland. This may be wanted criminals, banished citizens, social outcasts, or even wayward political figures. Those that seek refuge on Brandbaar must speak with the smugglers of the world and hope that they find one who can locate ship-island.


Ships from all over the world can be found in Brandbaar, with sailors from every culture. As these ships travel to and from such diverse places, they end up with many different currencies to hand. Brandbaar will usually accept any and all types of currencies, from the Bormar Belning, the Ariq Tark and even the Adzjab Scrab.


The only known 'official' military that Brandbaar has, is that of the Firekeepers. As most of the construction of the city is of wood, canvass, and other flammable materials, such as pitch, the use of fire is strictly controlled, with naked flames being completely outlawed. The Firekeepers not only act as lamplighters, ensuring that the city is lit from a limited amount of very secure lighting, but they will also intervene, violently, if an open flame is spotted.

Places of Interest

Brandbaar is a massive complex of ships and boats, all lashed and secured together with ropes and moorings. The vast majority of the city is wood and lumber, canvasses and sails, tar and pitch, rope and oakum. The various ships and boats that have now made up this city are often mostly intact, with the insides gutted for resources and parts. These hulls and external parts now make up houses, halls, roads, roofs and every other surface within the city.