Outpost Ranking System
As set by the Office for Outpost Affairs (OfOA)
The growth of Bormar is largely dependent on the establishment, success, or failures, of its outposts. The creation of an outpost allows the OfOA and, by extension, the financier of the expedition, to judge whether or not it is a prudent financial risk to take.
Outposts will be assigned a rank within the Outpost Ranking System to determine and establish how far along they have come and, therefore, how potentially profitable and successful they will be. When an outpost achieves a certain rank, it will be afforded luxuries and ties to Bormar that lesser settlements will not get. Establishing mercantile ties with an outpost is an incredibly costly endeavour, so an outpost must first prove, without a doubt, that it is worthwhile to do so.
Tied into this is the Tribute system, created by the OfOA. An outpost must send back a set amount of wealth in a set period, in order for the OfOA to establish just how potentially valuable, or invaluable, the area may be. Each rank will be assessed at the end of each period, when the Tribute is collected. If all requirements are met, the appropriate Outpost Rank will be given.
If anything is built beyond what is allowed, the OfOA will censure the outpost. This may be a hefty fine, or a halt to mercantile activities. The severity of the censure will be dependent on the action that has caused the censure. This includes building things outside of the outpost boundary before it is allowed.
Once a rank has been attained, it cannot be lost. Should the location of the outpost change within the allowed periods, the rank will not be lost either.
Outposts are not always purely wealth-generating ventures, they determine whether the area is suitable to inhabit for future generations as well. Such places may start off small, but will be the foothold for even greater towns and cities to be built after them.
In order for the OfOA to assess the outpost and for the outpost to ascend in the ranking system, it must first achieve a number of goals and steps set out within this tome. Each successive rank is harder to achieve than the last. This is to ensure that no outpost remains stagnant and that its occupants work to their highest standard for the glory of Bormar!
Rank 0 - Foothold
The intended area for an outpost must be established in a relatively secure location. To ascertain that the outpost will not require undue labour or resources to exist, only the bare minimum is allowed.
No Tribute is required during this period.
The inhabitants will be allowed to build tents for themselves, campfires, dirt paths and a temporary wooden fence, which may be set at the allowed size of the outpost - 100 by 100 blocks.
An area for the storage of bodies will be allowed. (In the ORS tome for the outpost established in Gellion’s Cross, two additional lines are added: Due to constant breaches of contract, a single mine and a small area for crop cultivation may be started. Each of these will be allowed to be built outside of the outpost, but must be connected to the outpost by a dirt path.)
Requirements to rank up
- Suitable amount of tents for all occupants.
- Suitable amount of campfires for all occupants.
Rank 1 - Settlement
Once the intended area for the outpost has been initially found and shown to not be overly lethal, the occupants must show it can be settled without any undue extra assistance.
The Tribute system will begin during progress to this rank.
New permissions
The occupants of the outpost will be allowed to begin to construct a number of semi-permanent buildings in order to settle themselves properly in this area.
Small bridges, tunnels or pathways are allowed to be built. They must be well-lit and of a good standard.
The outpost may be moved once.
Requirements to rank up
- Each occupant must have suitable living quarters.
- A main meeting place must be established.
- A general storage area must be constructed.
- A communal workshop, per profession, must be built.
- The perimeter must be, at the least, marked.
- Any perimeter walls must be upgraded to a rough, stone wall.
- An area for Tribute collection must be built.
- At least one Tribute must be fully met since obtaining Rank 1.
Rank 2 - Resource Gathering
The occupants must now prove that the outpost is able to not only gather its own resources, but also to show that it is a prudent investment for the OfOA and the overseeing Lord or Lady.
Progress in this rank will also begin to prove the benefits of mercantile ties to the outpost to interested parties.
New permissions
The outpost boundary will be increased to 150 x 150 blocks.
A small pier for small boats may be built, no more than 200 blocks away from the outpost centre.
Buildings dedicated to the Apothecarial sciences may be built outside of the outpost boundary.
Requirements to rank up
- Each occupant must have suitable living quarters.
- There must be at least one building, communal or private-owned, dedicated to each profession present in the outpost.
- A rough stone wall must be built at the outpost boundary.
- A mine must be built and suitably shored up.
- A farm must be built and suitably maintained.
- Any buildings outside of the boundary must be connected to the outpost via pathway.
- A map of the surrounding area, marked with hunting grounds and wildlife habitats, must be made.
- An area for wealth storage must be built.
- A total wealth of 500 points must be shown in the wealth storage.
- Two Tributes must be met since obtaining Rank 2.
Rank 3 - Industry
Now the outpost has proven it can gather its own resources and may be a self-sustaining entity, it may now prove whether it can succeed and become a productive outpost.
Success within this rank will be a great reassurance to interested parties in trading with the outpost and all efforts will be made in order to establish mercantile ties.
New permissions
The outpost boundary will be increased to 200 x 200 blocks.
The outpost will be officially named.
All restrictions on building types are lifted and the occupants may build what they want. Any of these builds must be within the outpost boundary and also within any leadership-mandated guidelines.
A second mine may be delved.
Requirements to rank up
- The outpost must have a name.
- A leadership system must be established. A clear and concise document, explaining said leadership system, must be written.
- The outpost must be shown to be making advances in each profession.
- A preliminary Molir must be formed.
- A variety of crops must be shown growing on the farm.
- A building for an official outpost meeting place must be established.
- Any small piers must be upgraded to a larger dockyard for larger ships.
- An area for merchants must be established by the docks.
- A suitable, permanent crypt must be built. It can be outside of the outpost boundary, but connected by pathway.
- A total wealth of 2500 points must be shown in the wealth storage.
- Three Tributes must be met since obtaining Rank 3.
Rank 4 - Defence
The outpost should now be practically self-sufficient and have suitable ties to Bormar to establish good trading relations.
The safety of the outpost is now the priority and steps must be taken in order to ensure that the outpost and the surrounding area is relatively safe for the occupants and any visitors.
New permissions
The outpost boundary will be increased to 250 x 250 blocks.
Mercantile ties will be established between Bormar and the outpost.
The outpost will be allowed an official banner.
The dockyard may be upgraded further as the occupants see fit, which may make more merchants available to trade with.
A third mine may be delved. The previous two mines may be demolished, if needs be, to create larger ones.
A total of four watchtowers may be built outside of the outpost boundary. They must be connected via pathway. They may include barracks and sleeping quarters.
The outpost may be moved once.
Requirements to rank up
- The outpost must have an official banner.
- Any outpost walls and watchtowers must be suitably defensible and fortified.
- The Molir must have a headquarters, uniform and armoury.
- A Molir inspection must be performed in the presence of an OfOA official.
- A large-scale map of the outpost and surrounding areas must be created.
- A total wealth of 10,000 points must be shown in the wealth storage.
- Three Tributes must be met since obtaining Rank 4.
Rank 5 - Leadership
Proper internal leadership is tantamount to the successful running of an outpost, village, town or city. Now that everything else has been achieved, the occupants must show that the outpost can function as a well-adjusted place of living.
Proper leadership may result in not only better chances of mercantile ties on an individual basis, but on a larger basis between other outposts or towns that are contacted.
New permissions
The outpost boundary will be increased to 300 x 300 blocks.
A total of four extra watchtowers may be built outside of the outpost boundary.
Occupants in the outpost may attempt to establish correspondence with parties in Bormar, if they wish.
Requirements to rank up
- A dedicated space for the governance of the outpost must be built.
- The leadership system must be shown to be working. If the leadership system has changed, a new document detailing it must be written.
- A set of laws for the outpost must be drafted and written up by the outpost leadership.
- The Molir must show that it can suitably armour and arm every occupant of the outpost.
- A communal library must be built and well-stocked.
- Some form of refuge or waystation must be built outside of the outpost boundaries. The purpose of this waystation can be determined by the occupants of the outpost.
- A total wealth of 25,000 points must be shown in the wealth storage.
- Three Tributes must be met since obtaining Rank 5.
Rank 6 - Leisure
The outpost has proven itself to have all the necessary things needed for a sturdy base. Now, more frivolous activities may be pursued to allow the occupants there to lead happy, healthy lives and to also attract other settlers.
New permissions
The outpost boundary will be increased to 350 x 350 blocks.
Requirements to rank up
- At least three areas of recreation, or areas for relaxation must be constructed.
- A tavern must exist, with rooms for visitors.
- A total wealth of 50,000 points must be shown in the wealth storage.
- Three Tributes must be met since obtaining Rank 6.
Rank 7 - Luxury
The occupants of the outpost must now elevate it to a level befitting its new status. This will attract not only new occupants, but also external figures who may assist the outpost.
New permissions
The outpost boundary will be increased to 400 x 400 blocks.
Requirements to rank up
- There must be no dilapidated buildings.
- A large-scale piece of artwork must be created.
- A total wealth of 100,000 points must be shown in the wealth storage.
- Five Tributes must be met since obtaining Rank 7.
Rank 8
When, or if, this rank is achieved, Tribute will still be required.
New permissions
The official outpost boundary will be increased to 450 x 450 blocks.
The official outpost may be moved for the final time.
Any buildings may now be built outside of the outpost boundary.