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Half-Congress Minutes: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "{{WrittenWork |Image=<gallery>BookAndQuill.webp</gallery> |Written= 804 - 805 BY |Country= Bormar |Author= Mun Ogla & Del |Genre= Meeting Minutes }} The Outpost of Thornheim was lead by a democratically elected Half-Congress. The elected officials (known as Congydwarves) were keen to record the events of the subsequent meetings, leading to a large catalogue. Many of the details and issues of the minutes have no context in their recording, as the documents were for admini...")
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Line 27:
Meeting Closed with these votes.
=== 6 Novtag, 804 BY ===
Line 87:
'''Delay Passes'''.
=== 7 Novtag, 804 BY ===
Line 174 ⟶ 175:
Del - Aye
=== 9 Jantag, 805 ===
Line 350 ⟶ 352:
3 Ayes | 0 Nays | 0 Abs
[[File:ThornheimMolirBanner.png|thumb|The Banner of Thornheim's molir.|alt=|310x310px]]
'''Molir Founded.'''
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