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Chapter Three: Difference between revisions

Added geography section
(Corrected spellings and fixed dates)
(Added geography section)
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*'''25 Juntag''' - The second expedition to find the ancient arrow is held, leading the Dwarves into a deeptunnel filled with Stone Trolls. The arrow is recovered and brought back to the Outpost.
== Geography ==
The geography of Gellion's Cross is defined by its eponymous mountain range which divides the land into four roughly equal parts.
The first is the Northeast section, which is where the expedition landed and where Kon Belben was founded. This region became known as Drakeshore due to the early encounters the Dwarves had with drakes of the region. Particularly notable is the large crater-like area near the center of Drakeshore which was devoid of all plant life and was known to be populated by Vekhorn.
The Northwest section was known for its large river system and its swamp. The swamp had at least one location of strange mushroom creatures that were hostile. The forests up the river were known to be populated by Tuskhide boars and ruins from an ancient civilization.
The Southwest region is most notable for its contact with the Ariq desert, just as the Southeast is most notable for its scorched landscape and lava flows.
== Places of Interest ==
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