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Chapter Three: Difference between revisions

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{| id="mp-topbanner" style="width:100%; background:#fff6e2; margin:1.2em 0 3px 0; border:thick double #FBB600;"
| style="width:61%; color:#000;" | <h3 style="margin:3px; background:#fee0ab; font-size:120%; font-weight:bold; border:1px solid #FBB600; text-align:center; color:#000; padding:0.2em 0.4em;">Notice</h3>
<center>This Chapter is still in progress. Information within will continue to be updated as it occurs in-game. </center>
|Image= [[File:MapThree.png|300px]]
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{| id="mp-topbanner" style="width:100%; background:#fff6e2; margin:1.2em 0 3px 0; border:thick double #FBB600;"
| style="width:61%; color:#000;" | <h3 style="margin:3px; background:#fee0ab; font-size:120%; font-weight:bold; border:1px solid #FBB600; text-align:center; color:#000; padding:0.2em 0.4em;">Notice</h3>
<center>This Chapter is still in progress. Information within will continue to be updated as it occurs in-game. </center>
Many generations ago, a mysterious Dwarf arrived in '''[[Bormar]]'''. When he died, he left his heirs a will and inheritance. Now, it is in the hands of Lord Tolbar Maldus, almost penniless and bereft. Thanks to his trusty librarian, they have revealed that Tolbar's ancestor came from a land known as Gellion's Cross. Tolbar used the last of his wealth and influence to sponsor an Outpost in this lost Dwarven land. This Outpost was named [[Kon Belben|'''Kon Belben''']], but its Dwarven adventurers soon realized that Gellion's Cross held a deadly and mysterious past.
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