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Diary Of The Priest: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "{{WrittenWork |Image=200px |Written= 2nd Dorrrum, 567th Turn |Country= Thol Urdim |Author= The Priest |Genre= Diary }} This tome was penned by the mysterious Priest of Thol Urdim. It chronicles some events of his life and of Thol Urdim. ==Text== 'The first page is an illustration, drawn in pencil. A dwarven girl, with a smile that shines like the sun through the paper- sheer joy and love- happiness in an incarnation. Her small, delicate ha...")
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''The first page is an illustration, drawn in pencil. A dwarven girl, with a smile that shines like the sun through the paper- sheer joy and love- happiness in an incarnation. Her small, delicate hands reach up- grasping at the long, withered hands of an old dwarf.''
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