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Most are oath-bound to protect their charges, be it their leader, company, or whole Outpost.
== Skills ==
{| class="wikitable"
|'''Skill Icon'''
|'''UnlockTotal CostLevels'''
|'''UpgradeSkill #Point Cost Per Level'''
|'''Skill Point Scaling Cost Per Level'''
|'''Total Skill Points Required For Max Level'''
|Field Rations
|Your next proper meal may be some days away. By slowly nibbling on a piece of food, you can make it last a lot longer.
|Certain metals and other materials can be melted down and combined into various alloys. Higher levels in this skill will provide slightly more alloyed metals.
|2 SP
|1 SP
|1 SP
|15 SP
|Click Combos
|By pressing a three-button combination of the left and right mouse buttons; R-R-R, R-L-R, R-R-L, you can perform special attacks with any type of weapon.
|0 SP
|0 SP
|Custom Crafting
|Novices may rush in where an experienced Dwarf-At-Arms will slowly, but surely march. Slow yourself down in order to resist some damage.
|After a character has used a certain number of skill points, they will be given the option to unlock this skill. This will allow them to use a Custom Crafting 'token', in return for a custom-made item.
|1 SP
|1 SP
|Shield Bash
|Level Up
|Rush to your opponent and slam into them at full force, knocking them back a short distance.
|This skill gives the character an extra skill point, after a long cooldown.
|2 SP
|0 SP
|0 SP
|Your extensive training in the use of sheilds has paid off. You will be able to withstand more damage simply by having your shield on you.
|In order to create heavier '''[[Custom Recipes|weapons and armour]]''', plates and slabs are needed. Combine two ingots to create a plate and two plates to create a slab.
|2 SP
|3 SP
|3 SP
|Mass Smelt
|Long hours of training and combat have given you the ability to endure more damage than most.
|Some Smiths prefer to sacrifice efficiency for sheer output. This skill will smelt an entire stack of ore in one go.
|2 SP
|3 SP
|3 SP
|Various ores can be found whilst digging up stone. Higher levels in this skill will yield more drops.
|1 SP
|1 SP
|15 SP
|Guardian Stance
|By protecting others, sometimes you must sacrifice offensive capabilities.
|Sometimes, damaged or broken equipment is too not worth the trouble of repairing. This skill will render a metal weapon or armour down into a portion of its original cost. Higher levels in this skill will increase the yield.
|2 SP
|2 SP
|30 SP
|Shield Wall
|Guardians can provide protection to nearby allies. If another Guardian is nearby, that protection increases.
|Turn alloys into their respective ingots. Higher levels in this skill will double the output.
|3 SP
|6 SP
|6 SP
|Smiths Tools
|This skill produces a set of 'smiths tools', which are required by certain other skills in order to function.
|2 SP
|2 SP
DAA - Click Combos, Level Up, Custom Crafting, Make Camp, Whetstone, Tempered, Field Rations, Second Wind
== Weapons / Proficiencies ==
Hammerer - Smash, Earthshaker, Sunder, Backbreaker
Partisan - Bunny Hop, Light Feet, Parry
Axedwarf - Cyclone, Execute, Chop, Dismember, Eviscerate
== Tools And Equipment ==
The more experienced Dwarf-At-Arms will tend to specialize in a specific weapon. While each specialist claims superiority, the '''[[Hammerer]]''', '''[[Axedwarf]]''', or '''[[Swordsdwarf]]''' each have techniques of their own that make them all certain forces of destruction on the battlefield.
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Generally speaking, Dwarves-At-Arms are protectors and are focused on guarding and defense, whether for a single Dwarf or an entire Outpost.
== Dwarves-At-Arms In-Game ==
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