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Thornheim: Difference between revisions

Added Library section so I could link all of the books to this page
No edit summary
(Added Library section so I could link all of the books to this page)
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=== The Port ===
The Outpost of Thornheim had a sizable port built to serve a multitude of functions. First, it would assist in shipments to and from Bormar, particularly through the Office of Outpost Affairs. A small vessel was also used by the residents for fishing excursions.
=== The Oglian Public Amenities Center ===
Functioning as the Outpost's library and Wordsmith's guild, this repository of information contained such tomes as:
* [[Half-Congress Minutes|Minutes]] of the Thornheim Half-Congress
* [[The Falsehood: Democracy]]
* [[The Sanitae]]
* [[Thorndais Tales]]
== Timeline ==
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