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|Genre= History
This tome is penned by Zeital Mar resident [[Zeb Burnsthewick|'''Zeb Burnsthewick''']]. In this piece, Zeb records a massive weather event that struck the Outpost.
== Text ==
''A particularly nasty storm stated one night, catching many people unawares. Torrential rain poured from the sky, howling winds blew out many of the external lights of the Outpost and doors and windows were barred shut.''
''Soon the sound of the crashing waves could be heard on the northern coast, even from this distance. Through this tumultuous cacophony, horrible roars coudlcould be heard a short distance to the north.''
''Many '''[[Dwarves]]''' gathered near the library, where [[Khestor Thidirlun|'''Marshall Khestor''']] had began to assemble a small force to investigate the noises.''
''All Dwarves present were quickly armed and armoured, some, like myself, wielded bows.''
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''In any case, the Dwarves arrived at the coastline, swiftly dispatching the Trolls in a relatively effective manner. Archers managed to stay up high, whilst the melee fighters worked their way out of the trees, to stop the Water Trolls from sneaking up.''
''The effectiveness of the fighting force was immediately obvious, with all of the Water Trolls being dealthdealt with in quite a short amount of time. Thankfully, clear concise orders shouted from a small number of Dwarves helped organise the attack.''
''One final, large wave crashed into the shores, knocking the Dwarves to their feet. Unfortunately, the wave must have run deep, as a huge group of Water Trolls were, once again, dredged up from the depths.''
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