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Kon Belben: Difference between revisions

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After a long and tiring cycle of elections, Thorgrin Metalfist was elected as Kon Belben's first leader, holding the title and powers of the position known as the Ceannard. Under the Ceannard were a number of subordinate positions whose duties fell upon the Ceannard when left unfilled.
[[File:KBMeeting.png|thumb|The first Outpost meeting in Kon Belben, with Ceannard Metalfist presiding.|alt=|310x310px]]
=== Thorgrin Metalfists's Ceannardship ===
As the author of the Outpost's governing laws, The Articles of the Settlement, Thorgrin's candidacy was a surprise to no one. After winning the election Thorgin held at least one meeting among the Dwarves of Kon Belben to discuss future plans. He also commanded the Outpost forces against the attack by the Human spider tribe that was native to Gellion's Cross. Sadly, Thorgrin's tenure was not long-lived, as personal family matters in Bormar forced Thorgrin to resign and return to the mainland.
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