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Kon Belben: Difference between revisions

127 bytes added ,  11 months ago
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==== Notable Policies ====
''The High Articles of Kon Belben'' - a streamlined version of the ''Articles of the Settlement''.
''Regulatory Act I'' - Declaring the High Articles as the supreme law of Kon Belben and designating all pre-existing laws as void.
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*'''22 Jantag''' - An ancient, abandoned deeptunnel is discovered and explored after wiping out the Stone Trolls that infested it.
*'''29 Jantag''' - Stone Trolls attack the Outpost
[[File:ApexSlime.png|thumb|The domain of the Apex Slime deep within the hills surrounding Kon Belben.|alt=|310x310px]]
*'''4 Febtag''' - An expedition is launched to remove the slime from the nearby hills, resulting in subterranean battles, the slaying of the Apex Slims, and the death of the Dwarf, Idrath Nish.
*'''11 Febtag''' - The Dwarves discover a drake nest near the Outpost but manage to slay the beast and destroy its eggs.
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*'''17 Febtag''' - Pebbil the Stone Troll is slain after being hit with a ballista bolt, his rocky carcass fell into the Outpost's bay and became a permanent feature of its waters.
*'''19 Febtag''' - Roslynn Vidluf and Ankoth Reknor come to blows in the Outpost, leading to the death of Roslynn. Firey debates begin surrounding justice, resulting in a call to form an Outpost government.
*'''6 Martag''' - After nearly a month of debates, proposals, and voting, the ''Articles of the Settlement'' are chosen as the Outpost's governing text.
*'''13 Martag''' - Thorgrin Metalfist is chosen as the Outpost's first Ceannard, leading to a flurry of debates and the departure of the Outpost Librarian, Keeper Magog, from Gellion's Cross.
*'''16 Martag''' - The '''[[Grol]]''' merchant known as Belbo the Amazing arrives at the Outpost to peddle his wares.
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