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[[File:MapThree.png|alt=|thumb|A complete map of Gellion's Cross.]]
Many generations ago, a mysterious Dwarf arrived in '''[[Bormar]]'''. When he died, he left his heirs a will and inheritance. Now, it is in the hands of Lord Tolbar Maldus, almost penniless and bereft. Thanks to his trusty librarian, they have revealed that Tolbar's isancestor nowwas incame possession offrom a parcelland of landknown -as Gellion's Cross. -Tolbar used the last of his wealth and thatinfluence to sponsor an Outpost willin bethis foundedlost thereDwarven to,land. hopefullyThis Outpost was named [[Kon Belben|'''Kon Belben''']], restorebut himits toDwarven hisadventurers formersoon gloryrealized that Gellion's Cross held a deadly and mysterious past.
== History ==
But Gellion's Cross holds a mysterious and dangerous past...
Many, many years ago, a strange and disheveled Dwarf appeared in the small town of Blashryk speaking a strange language that no one understood. The Dwarf was grey-skinned and secretive, with his homeland never being known. He was also extremely quick-witted and, after reading nearly every book in the town's library, used his keen mind to amass a great wealth for himself. His descendants would inherit this wealth and expand it further, eventually becoming the richest family in Blashryk and the surrounding area. With the rise of Bormar and the standardization of its noble system the ancient Dwarf's descendents were typically selected as the most capable family to run the holding as its ruling Lord or Lady.
Sadly, this fortune would not last forever. Lord Tolbar Maldus, the youngest descendent of the strange Dwarf and the current Lord of Blashryk, has suffered a series of misfortunes that has left his holding in ruins and his pockets empty. Attacks from pillaging Grol drove out most of the Dwarves of the area, and only a small retainer of his most loyal subjects still reside in the town. There was little hope that Lord Maldus would be able to continue to run his holding until his Librarian discovered a document hidden in the town's library. This document described a land that was the home of the ancient Dwarf, the land known as Gellion's Cross.
Lord Maldus could not pass up on the opportunity. Using the last of his resources he negotiated a deal with the Office of Outpost Affairs to recieve a portion of the earnings recieved from an Outpost to Gellion's Cross. The expedition was organized quickly, and two ships set sail for the lost land with great ambitions.
Upon arriving in the northeast corner of Gellion's Cross, a massive drake passed overhead and obliterated one of vessels. The Dwarves regrouped on the shore and quickly got to work establishing a camp on top of some ancient Dwarven ruins. Progress was swift, and the small tent camp soon became a bustling Outpost.
['''Insert picture of Outpost Obelisk''']
At the center of the ruins on which the Outpost was constructed was a stone obelisk with words carved deep into its surface. The text told an ancient tale of Gellion's Cross. The land was once the domain of the kingdom of Thol Urdim, the city of two kings. The city was destroyed long ago by a creature named Arikora. After a great deal of exploration and research, several other obelisks were discovered, and each gave further clues as to the fate of this ancient civilization.
The Dwarves of the Outpost found the information tantilizing, but there was little that could be done until more information was discovered. They concerned themselves with building their new home, starting businesses, forming a government, and other great tasks.
After facing down the mighty Stone Troll Pebbil, the Outpost was besieged by a primitive human tribe that was native to Gellion's Cross. The group was known as The Spider Tribe due to their use of the creatures in their attacks, and after a ceasefire was achieved they became a great wealth of knowledge into Gellion's Cross and its ancient Dwarven hold. Apparently the kingdom had fallen thousands of years ago and were survived only by the many ruins that they left behind. All of the death and destruction was due to a massive drake known as Arikora. The name was spoken with such fear and reverence by the Spider Tribe Humans that they would bow their heads upon merely hearing the name.
The tribe would later inform the Dwarves of the Outpost (known now as Kon Belben) that the ancient Dwarves had a plan to kill great drake using master crafted ballista bolts. These weapons were scattered around the land, and the Humans showed the Dwarves where to find them. It was here that a plan developed to kill Arikora and finally reclaim Gellion's Cross once and for all.
Only time would tell if these efforts would be successful...
== Timeline ==
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*'''17 Febtag''' - Pebbil the Stone Troll is slain after being hit with a ballista bolt.
*'''7 Aptag''' - The Outpost is nearly overwhelmed by massive spiders commanded by a mysterious tribe of Humans native to Gellion's Cross. A tentative peace agreement is struck between the Humans and Dwarves.
*'''3 Juntag''' - A meeting is held with the HumanSpider spider tribeTribe, revealing the history of Gellion's Cross as well as the monstrous drake that prowls its skies: Arikora.
*'''11 Juntag''' - The human tribal Ethoko tells the Dwarves of three ancient "arrows" that can be used to kill the monstrous Arikora. The first expedition succeeds in recovering the first of the arrows, which is actually a ballista bolt.
*'''25 Juntag''' - The second expedition to find the ancient arrow is held, leading the Dwarves into a deeptunnel filled with Stone Trolls. The arrow is recovered and brought back to the Outpost.
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