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Chapter Three: Difference between revisions

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The Dwarves of the Outpost found the information tantilizing, but there was little that could be done until more information was discovered. They concerned themselves with building their new home, starting businesses, forming a government, and other great tasks.
After facing down the mighty Stone Troll Pebbil, the Outpost was besieged by a primitive human tribe that was native to Gellion's Cross. The group was known as The Spider Tribe due to their use of the creatures in their attacks, and after a ceasefire was achieved they became a great wealth of knowledge into Gellion's Cross and its ancient Dwarven hold. Apparently the kingdom had fallen thousands of years ago and were survived only by the many ruins that they left behind. [[File:Skyshrieker1.png|thumb|An ancient deeptunnel which held the first of the skyshriekers capable of killing Arikora.|alt=|310x310px]] All of the death and destruction was due to a massive drake known as Arikora. The name was spoken with such fear and reverence by the Spider Tribe Humans that they would bow their heads upon merely hearing the name.
The tribe would later inform the Dwarves of the Outpost (known now as Kon Belben) that the ancient Dwarves had a plan to kill great drake using master crafted ballista bolts. These weaponsSkyshriekers were scattered aroundacross theGellion's landCross, and the Humanstribe showed the Dwarves where to find them. It was here that a plan developed to kill Arikora and finally reclaim Gellion's Cross once and for all.
Only time would tell if these efforts would be successful...
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