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Chapter Three: Difference between revisions

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{| id="mp-topbanner" style="width:100%; background:#fff6e2; margin:1.2em 0 3px 0; border:thick double #FBB600;"
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<center>This Chapter is still in progress. Information within will continue to be updated as it occurs in-game. </center>
[[File:MapThree.png|alt=|thumb|A complete map of Gellion's Cross.]]
Many generations ago, a mysterious Dwarf arrived in '''[[Bormar]]'''. When he died, he left his heirs a will and inheritance. Now, it is in the hands of Lord Tolbar Maldus, almost penniless and bereft. Thanks to his trusty librarian, they have revealed that Tolbar's ancestor was came from a land known as Gellion's Cross. Tolbar used the last of his wealth and influence to sponsor an Outpost in this lost Dwarven land. This Outpost was named [[Kon Belben|'''Kon Belben''']], but its Dwarven adventurers soon realized that Gellion's Cross held a deadly and mysterious past.
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