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Dwarf-At-Arms: Difference between revisions

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== Tools And Equipment ==
A Dwarf-At-Arms is different to most other professions, in that they do not need a specific workshop or place of work in order to function.
The more experienced Dwarf-At-Arms will usually have quite an extensive personal armoury in order to deal with specific situations. Many will also specialise
The more experienced Dwarf-At-Arms will tend to specialize in a specific weapon. While each specialist claims superiority, the '''[[Hammerer]]''', '''[[Axedwarf]]''', or '''[[Swordsdwarf]]''' each have techniques of their own that make them all certain forces of destruction on the battlefield.
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Generally speaking, Dwarves-At-Arms are protectors and are focused on guarding and defense, whether for a single Dwarf or an entire Outpost.
== Dwarves-At-Arms In-Game ==
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