
From Dwarves! - Minecraft Roleplaying Server
Revision as of 19:06, 30 June 2023 by TorenD (talk | contribs) (Added text for legislation)
RegionThe Thorn
Years Active804 - 805 BY
LeaderThe Speaker

A small Outpost, established deep in the mountain range known as the Thorn many weeks travel from Bormar. Upon order of the First House, the objective of the Outpost was to seek any clues as to the whereabouts of the human redstoneer, Jolvis Volt.

Thornheim was established in the area's Southeastern region. This area was a snowy, alpine region where few plants would grow, but the Dwarves made their homes on the cliffsides and dug deep into the mountains regardless.


Due to its location in a range of icy mountains, Thornheim eternally covered in a layer of snow. Most of its buildings were constructed of either stone or spruce wood, but various other materials were also used, notably red brick. A great number of towers capped the mountain peaks above, serving as lookout posts and signal towers.

Many homes and worksite were build directly into the mountain side, usually having great staircases carved directly into the stone. Such locations included the Ridgesite Complex and Julnoor Alchemists Guildhall. Most buildings, however, existed in a flat area between several mountains, colloquially known as either the town square or "The Flats".

Government & Politics

The Half-Congress

Thornheim's government was decided to be a representative democracy early into its history. While this plan cause a number of criticisms, the concept was made official and the Thornheim Half-Congress was established. The reason for this name was the fact that not every Dwarf would not be a member of the Congress, but would instead be citizens who would vote representatives to act on their behalf.

The elected representatives were known as Congydwarves, with a Speaker chosen from among them who would funciton as the Half-Congress' presiding officer. Various subordinate positions were created by the Half-Congress, such as the Hillsmarshal who would command the Outpost's molir, as well as various "Landydwarves" who would administer the Outpost as designated by the Half-Congress.

Half-Congress Membership

Congydwarf & Speaker - Del

Congydwarf - Mun Ogla

Congydwarf - Geir Ostlig

Notable Policies

HC-1 Bill-1 - The first piece of legislation was the smallest of the bunch, proposing a census of the Outpost's Dwarves to take place.

HC-1 Bill 2 - Created the procedure of "Terra Taka", creating a method to for the Half-Congress to take pieces of land and property for public use.

HC-1 Bill 3 - Seized various pieces of land using the "Terra Taka" procedure, establishing a hospital, storage building, boarding house and library.

HC-1 Bill 4 - Established several laws and punishments which were to be handled by the Thornheim molir which was also created in this legislation and was to be led by a Hillsmarshal.

The Molir

Notable Locations

The port of Thornheim and a large Dwarven estate in the background.

The Flats

The majority of happenings in Thornheim were centered around a large open space at its center that functioned as its town square. This stone brick promenade allowed its Dwarves to travel easily through the snow and to the various homes and businesses that surrounded it.

The Port

The Outpost of Thornheim had a sizable port built to serve a multitude of functions. First, it would assist in shipments to and from Bormar, particularly through the Office of Outpost Affairs. A small vessel was also used by the residents for fishing excursions.
