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Gemstones are small pieces of mineral crystal that are used for decoration, adorning jewellery, trade and other such things. There is a wide range of gemstones that can be dug up by Miners and Jewellers and then cut into successive, more valued grades by a Jeweller.

Properties And Uses

Many believe that gemstones have positive benefits when worn in jewellery and it is often said to be very lucky to wear specific gems, especially if those gems are attributed to specific Gods. A planned use for them in-game is that gemstones will give specific effects when the jewellery they are in is activated via a right-click, however, in the lore this is merely seen as superstition and nothing quantifiable can ever be proved.

When being cut, gemstones will yield coloured dust, depending on what colour the original gemstone is. This dust can be used by Wordsmiths to embellish their tomes, or used to create glowing ink. Some Apothecaries have reported that this dust can be used to create a few potions.




Amber is a tree resin that, over time, has become as hard as a rock. Dwarven scholars have noted the similarities between fresh resin and this hardened substance for many years now, but amber has been a valued gemstone since time immemorial. It often appears as a mere rock, with coloration ranging between yellow and orange, which becomes translucent or transparent after being polished.

Highly valued for its colour and natural beauty, it is often made into a variety of decorative objects, ranging from beads and pendants to smoking pipes or small drinking vessels. Specimens of a clear nature, or particularly stunning coloration, will often fetch the highest prices.

Conversely, as it is an organic material originating from trees, the amber itself can often be riddled with inclusions, air bubbles, or very rarely, creatures or plants. The first discovery of these specimens solidified the claim of amber being a hardened form of tree resin. Flies and small plants are the most commonly found trapped within the resin as it solidifies and forms, though larger insects and lizards are claimed to have been found within some specimens. Rare specimens, which have not been recognised by circles of Dwarven scholars, have also been found.

Amber deposits have been found in multiple places, though these have been in the warmer portions of Bormar. Scholars theorise that the lack of trees in the past may have contributed to the lack of amber in the colder areas of the region. Shores and coastlines are often common places for pieces of amber, often being washed up by the waves where any traveller may find them, but any serious mining attempts are done underground.

It is sometimes heated to produce an oil that takes its place in many perfumes and scents, or burned to let off its signature fragrance, though doing so is an expensive habit. As mentioned, smoking pipes made of amber will impart this distinct fragrance and even a slight taste to the smoke.

Within Dwarven superstition and folklore, it is said that amber brings clarity to the mind and control of one's intellect, allowing them to achieve mental stability and to complete tasks that they may not have previously had the potential to do.



A purple jewel that is often thought to be a variety of quartz. It can range in coloration from light pink and violet to deep purple, occasionally having some red or blue tinges present as well.

The most desirable natural specimens are deep purple, but the artistic value of the amethyst can be brought out with clever carving. Its range of colours within a single specimen will often lend itself aesthetically to engravings. Amethyst can be found in very large sizes, sometimes the size of a Dwarf, though surprisingly the value of the piece does not go up exponentially based on the size, as is often the case with other gemstones. Some truly huge examples will command greater respect and prices, but otherwise, the colour is the most important factor.

Strangely, it is sometimes assumed that amethyst can protect oneself from becoming drunk, which has had no evidence or proof. Older, more superstitious peoples, villages, and towns may have ceremonial drinking vessels carved from amethyst. It is said that Arthashastra, the Warring God of Strategy, wears jewellery made from amethyst so that he may keep a level head after a victory. Some scholars may also attribute the gemstone to stopping one from getting 'drunk on power', with many historical Dwarven rulers being noted to have worn this gemstone at one point or another.

Before the large-scale mining efforts of the nation of Bormar, amethyst was usually held in the same respect as diamonds and rubies. Its natural beauty, colour and relative rareness elevate it above most other gemstones.



Usually found as a rock or mineral, gemstone-grade specimens of apatite are quite hard to find. Often seen in green, blue or colourless and ranging from transparent to translucent, it nevertheless has a distinct quality as a gemstone.

Due to its range of colouration and striking similarity to other gemstones, apatite has a reputation as being a 'fraudulent' gemstone, often being the bane of many miners and jewellers when they discover that they have overpaid, or undersold, for a particular specimen.

It is said that apatite was a trick played on mortals by the Mining God and it delights him when confusion abounds due to this gemstone.



Aquamarine is a light-blue variation of a gemstone known as 'beryl'. It is usually colourless, but various impurities can impart particular colours into the gemstone.

It is a very popular choice within jewellery, with its colour often being used to invoke the sea or the sky in whatever setting it is placed. Due to its alleged relation with the water, it is often stated to grant protection for seafarers and also as a stone associated with healing. As such, it is a very popular sight amongst sailors and other nautical travellers, who often put much weight into these superstitions.

Similar to other gemstones, aquamarine is said to guard against poisons or toxins, but only when such a stone is used to 'purify' any water sources that might be tainted. Expensive drinking vessels carved purely from this gemstone have been found, though the most common way of doing this is simply by waving the aquamarine over the intended liquid. In prestigious circles, it is an accepted tradition for aquamarine to be ceremonially wafted over the various drinks and soups that may be served in formal events.

A particularly easy gemstone to cut, it is a popular choice for those aspiring jewellers who do not have the finances nor skill for more expensive endeavours, yet who wish to refine their craft. Due to its availability in quite large sizes and the fact that it doesn't fracture easily, leads to this gemstone is carved into rather intricate shapes.



Carnelian is a popular gemstone that ranges from in colour from orange and brown to red, which is the most sought-after colour. It is not particularly valuable, possibly due to the opaque nature of the gemstone, but it is a common sight in jewellery across the world, often used in great quantities in arrangements.

With its relative frequency and deep coloration, it is an incredibly popular starting choice for beginner jewellers to practice their skills on. Due to its particular easiness to work, it is very often carved into signet rings, depictions of figures, talismans or other such things.

Throughout the Ariq, carnelian is seen as a stone of kings and rulers and is said to provide the necessary gifts that a true ruler should have; courage, eloquence and so on.



Available in a range of yellow to orange colours, from light 'lemon' yellow to the much sought-after golden orange, citrine is often used to evoke the sun, gold or wealth. Known as the 'Merchants Gemstone', citrine was an incredibly popular choice for jewellery in the early days of Bormar, due to the emphasis placed on trade during that time.

Whilst being rather durable, citrine is also rather easily cut, allowing it to be worked into a variety of shapes and sizes. Nowadays it is quite commonly found and, as such, is not the most valuable of gemstones.



Considered since ancient times to be the epitome of the gemstone, due to its rarity and properties that elevate it above all others. As such, it tends to garner the most respect and also the highest prices, not just from gem collectors, but from the Dwarven civilisation at large. Its ability to disperse the light around it in a truly dazzling way makes it the top choice for the most prestigious and valuable jewellery.

Diamonds are found very rarely and only in certain places in any large quantities. Bormar as a nation tends to purchase a great quantity of raw diamonds from the surrounding regions.

The hardness of this gemstone has been measured and deemed to be greater than any other gemstone or mineral currently found. Due to this everlasting hardness, diamonds of inferior quality or almost no real value are often ground down into powder and used to coat paper or other materials, to product the highest quality abrasives.

Colour plays an important part in the presumed quality of a diamond, with colourless specimens being the most desired. These can range from yellow and brown, to the rare blue and pinks, but truly colourless diamonds are seen as the highest calibre.

Sometimes, diamonds may appear in such a huge size that cutting the gem into a smaller, more desirable shape, would merely destroy the natural 'character' of such a large stone. Stones like these are usually in the hands of private collectors or museums.

Due to their properties and prestige, diamonds are usually associated with being able to ward off all kinds of afflictions, ailments and infections. Within the religious communities of Bormar, the diamond is said to be the ultimate creation of the Mining God.

Diamonds aren't always found in gemstone-quality specimens. A lot of the time, they are far too small, damaged, or coloured to see any real use in jewellery. However, thanks to their particular hardness, they are used industrially. Diamond-tipped hand drills and diamond-edged cutting tools or abrasives can be made, but they are quite costly to manufacture. These tools are usually able to cut through things other materials cannot but are not all-powerful.



An incredibly sought-after gemstone, emerald is the most noted of all green gemstones and is considered in the highest tiers of all gemstones. Colourations range from light green, with inclusions of yellow and blue, to the ever-popular deep, dark green.

As with many gemstones, inclusions and fractures in the specimens dramatically harm the value of the stone. Emeralds are commonly found with these deformations and are usually tolerated much more than other gemstones, often being said to give it 'character'. As most people will put value into gemstones displaying strong, single colours, the emerald is usually the most valuable of these with its striking green hues.

Within gemstone folklore, emeralds are believed to bring the wearer great patience, reduce stress and have some rejuvenating properties.

Fire Agate

Fire Agate

A phenomenal, but incredibly varied gem, fire agate usually appears as an almost semi-liquid blob of iridescent colours. Usually a red or brown base, the multitude of flaws and inclusions within the gemstone can range in every colour under the rainbow, giving it a mottled, speckled effect.

Its name refers to the seemingly boiling inferno that the colours mimic, especially specimens within the red, orange and yellow colour spectrum. Due to the varied and random nature of the gemstone and its colours, it is not used commonly in jewellery, as gaining access to pieces that share the same characteristics is quite difficult.

Whilst the rolling and swirling colours may be startling at first, trying to cut the gem into a shape used in jewellery, whilst still keeping the coloured effects, is an incredibly hard task and a testament to the skill of the jeweller in question.

It is believed that Ozias, the former God of Mining, was struck with profound clarity after witnessing fire for the first time, deep underground. Fire agate was his creation after attempting to recreate what he witnessed into a physical form. It is said that fire agate confers some form of fire protection to the wearer, though this is often believed to be an 'avoidance' to fire, rather than surviving any real inferno.

Fire Opal

Fire Opal

Named for the warm bodies of colour that it displays, a fire opal is merely a sub-set of opal gemstones that ranges in the yellow, orange and red colour spectrums. Sometimes these can be solid colours, though they often display a varied range that gives a play of colour to the specific gemstone.

These opals will often display brilliant flashes of light when tilted or turned. Despite this display, solid red fire opals, being the rarest, are usually the most valuable. Other than this, fire opals are usually quite small and relatively common, making them a good asset for any starting jeweller.

Other than the associated belief of providing protection against fire, this type of opal is reputed to help improve personal relationships. In folklore, the twin Warring Gods of Offence and Defence; Shapthor and Fjorgjear, are often at odds. When others must step in to appease one on behalf of the other, fire opal jewellery is often gifted to Shapthor, who adores the stone.



Although fluorite is a very common mineral that can be found in a massive range of colours, it is found most commonly within Bormar as a light-gray colour, making specimens not particularly pleasing. Fluorite can be found in huge veins, often big enough to mine large chunks from. These can then be worked into large ornaments, such as drinking vessels and vases.

Fluorite is not particularly valuable, usually only having value if a specific colour or pattern can be seen within it, or if it is of a particularly notable size.

Amongst those who put stock into such things, fluorite is believed to have a calming effect on the mind, allowing one to focus and channel their mental energies into whatever tasks need to be done.



A rich, red colouration is usually associated with garnets, through they can range from deep blood-red, to light orange and can rarely be found as green specimens. They are highly sought after and are a very common gemstone to find within jewellery.

Garnets are relatively easy to cut, even for beginners and the value of such gemstones lies mostly in the colour of the specimen.

Indeed, the colour of a garnet has often been associated with blood or health, with jewellery containing it said to provide some modicum of protection against a slew of afflictions and general bad health. Some believe that many myths of underground creatures came from the flashing lights of miners glinting off garnets and other rocks, deep in the tunnels. Many an underground worker would have been scared off when they saw two blood-red 'eyes' staring right at them. Garnet-based jewellery tends to be overflowing with the stones, due to the 'protection' if offers. Again, whether this is actually true or not, and the Gods deem the stone to be lucky, has yet to be seen.



Another member of the beryl family of gemstones, heliodors range from bright yellow to warm golden colours. Unlike other specimens of beryl, heliodors are often free of inclusions or fractures. Other than this, they are fairly common, a staple in jewellery and often very pleasing to the eye. They are not particularly valuable nor particularly rare.

Due to its colour, it is often compared to sunlight and associated with wisdom and creativity. Devout followers of the Ruling God sometimes depict him wearing a crown of many yellow-coloured jewels, with heliodor being common among them.



Jade is a rather hard gemstone that ranges in colour from yellow and white, to the most popularly known light and dark greens. It is a very versatile gemstone, being able to be carved into intricate shapes and designs.

The hardness of the gemstone allows day-to-day use without fear of shattering it or breaking it. This lends itself well to being carved into amulets, brooches and bangles, often being made out of solid, single pieces.

One of the most prominent jade mines is near the town of Murin, situated on the mountainous border between Bormar and the kingdom of Aer. Though it has traded ownership between the two regions many times since its discovery, the quantities and qualities of jade produced have inspired the nearby cultures, fashions and beliefs for centuries. Even now, the mine is often worked by Human and Dwarven workers. The people of Murin believe, arguably rightly, that jade brings good luck and fortune to the wearer, whereas the Dwarves within the region often associate it with wisdom and courage, for reasons they keep to themselves.



An uncommon sight in jewellery, jasper is an opaque stone that comes in a variety of colours. Within certain gemological circles, these colours are affording fanciful names, such as 'royal plume' or 'rainforest' jasper. More often than not, jasper is found in a red, orange or brown colour spectrum.

The value in jasper comes from either having a particularly strong colouration, or peculiar patterns within the stone itself. Patterns that resemble animal prints, or that evoke scenes from nature are particularly sought after. Other than this, jasper is not usually seen in jewellery as it is not particularly rare, nor particularly valuable and obtaining specimens of a desired visual aesthetic is incredibly difficult.

Due to the nature of the wildly varying patterns within jasper, it is usually said to have been created individually by varying Gods, thus a link to the spiritual world is often associated with the stone. The Mining God is said to carry around certain specimens of jasper that he finds on his travels and uses them to 'see' the world, through the variations within the stone.



Often thought to be a type of coal, but hardened to an immense degree, jet is a dark grey, often black, gemstone. It can be cut incredibly easily and polished to a brilliant shine. Some claim that jet can burn just like coal can, but usually owners don't want to test this theory.

The value of jet comes from the purest of black varieties, which are fairly common, indeed, the phrase 'jet-black' originates from this very gemstone. After this, unusual shapes and carvings often fetch the highest price. Due to the colouration of jet, the price and demand for it has remained fairly consistent. Black is a colour that seems to ignore any and all fashion crazes or trends that may sweep whatever village or town gives host to them. It is a popular gemstone in circles that use black as part of their motifs, or if black is a large portion of their heraldry or particular uniforms.

Jet is often used to signify resistance to change, or the 'acceptance' of change itself, due to the generally assumed belief that jet is merely a 'changed' version of coal.



A rather strange mineral, labradorite possesses a unique type of lustre. Often, it appears to look like mother-of-pearl, sometimes it resembles the way light shines through cloud cover. An intensely interesting gemstone to behold, it is not particularly rare. The colouration within labradorite can very, from green and yellows, to purple, teal and gold. Most specimens of labradorite that have been found have a strong blue base to their colouration.

It is a rarer stone to see in jewellery, as it is essentially a polished stone, not a true 'jewel'. However, due to the unusual colouration, it has a sizeable following of admirers.

Due to its unique appearance, many have attributed the stone to having mythical properties associated with magic or light. Many inhabitants of the Tribes of Vingaborda believe that the sky-lights that appear in the far north are trapped within the gemstone, originate from it, or similar.

Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli

A dark-blue rock with striations of gold running through it, which gives it an incredibly striking appearance, especially when in the right light or carved in a way that accentuates the inclusions. It is very easily carved and can be polished to a mirror-like shine. Due to its ability to be carved rather easily, it is mostly found as intricate carvings, bas-reliefs or larger ornaments, such as small statues or vases.

The largest deposits of lapis lazuli were found in antiquity within the Ariq region, which owes a great deal of its wealth to this stone. For the longest time, the gemstone would be ground up to form rich, ultramarine dyes, making that particular shade of blue very valuable and sought after. The stone was used in jewellery and decorations for the ancient rulers of the various Ariq kingdoms and any surviving artifacts today are almost priceless.

To the chagrin of many miners and jewellers, the gold streaks that run through lapis lazuli aren't actually gold; experiments with isolating and smelting it have yielded completely different results. The finest metallurgical minds are still in discussions about this particular mineral.

Thus, the true value of lapis lazuli lies in the shade of blue it presents and the coverage of that particular colour. Dark blue, almost black, lapis lazuli specimens are often worth the most.



A very popular gemstone among all levels of society, malachite is a green-coloured stone with various stripes and waves of colours in the green spectrum running through it. As a relatively soft stone and quite commonly found, it is a popular gemstone to use within all sorts of jewellery. The colours within malachite rarely vary, with the only distinct changes being the layout of the stripes within the pattern.

Due to these various properties, malachite isn't particularly valuable as a gemstone, with the true value of it comes from any particular talent shown in the carving of the piece itself, or within the setting of the jewellery it is mounted in.

As a colour source, however, malachite was a popular choice for artists for the powerful green colours that it could impart upon the canvass. Even a small, local mine could generate a tremendous amount of wealth if the malachite there was of the highest quality.

Within folklore, malachite's properties are often associated with the colour that it has, being used to invoke nature or the world itself. It is often used to attempt to heal wounds caused by the environment or nature itself, such as poisonous bites, infections and gangrenous wounds. It is not recommended to use this gemstone as a replacement to seeking out a medically-trained professional.



A gemstone that displays a particular 'glow' that appears to be just under the surface of the stone. Moonstones can be found in colours ranging from pale oranges, greens and yellows, though the most valuable and most often associated with the name are transparent or white. Usually these display a slight blue tinge to the 'glow'. In general, moonstone is quite common and of relatively good quality no matter where it is found. Usually polished into round ovals and set into jewellery, it can also be carved quite easily.

Naturally, the visual display that the gemstone gives off, often compared to moonlight shining through cloud cover, has given the stone its name. The superstitious associate the gemstone with the moon and all things to do with the lunar cycle.

Moss Agate

Moss Agate

Merely a visual subset of the agate family, moss agate is usually a light green coloured gemstone, sometimes transparent but with plant-like inclusions and patterns running through it. These inclusions can be any colour, but usually tend to be a rich and dark green, much befitting the name of this gemstone.

Not particularly valuable, nor rare, moss agate can be easily carved by those with a modicum of skill. If the patterns within it resemble particular scenery, such as a forest or landscape, the value may dramatically increase.

Due to the floral nature of this gemstones appearance, is it often associated with nature and the earth. Dwarven foresters and woodworkers, or at least those who believe in this sort of thing, often attribute this gemstone to being favoured by the Forestry God. Similarly, due to their relationship with their surroundings, the Adzjab tribe venerate this gemstone immensely, claiming it to be a manifestation of their environment.



Onyx is a banded gemstone, with layers of colour in concentric circles. Specimens can be found with almost any colour present, but black onyx is the most well known. Usually, the black bands of the onyx will be separated with these thin bands of colour, which are, more often than not, white.

In a pure black form, the value of the onyx comes from the cut and the size of the stone, as most gemstones do. However, with the banded colours available in the gemstone, the option to turn them into veritable works of art appears. Some Dwarven master carvers have plied their skills to these gemstones, allowing figures and other such things to be carved into one colour band of the gemstone, whilst carving down to the next colour as the background. Such pieces then turn into three-dimensional works of art, in which the viewer is drawn in by their depth and complexity.

Such startling pieces of work usually display white figures of Dwarves, or other races, on black backgrounds, often in classical poses or even as portraits. The values of such works are tremendous and sometimes, even priceless. Similarly to jet and other black gemstones, onyx is a staple in funerary rites and clothing.



Practically a class of their own, opals are incredibly striking gemstones. When we discuss the 'opal', in this context, we will be generalising them somewhat.

They mostly appear as a white, or often transparent gemstone, filled with tiny patches of vivid, iridescent colours. These colours are predominantly reds, greens and blues, which shimmer and sparkle when the opal is moved about in the light. These colours usually display themselves as small specks with crisp outlines, fuzzy clouds that fill the entire gemstone, or powerful striations that bring to mind roiling thunderstorms or sunbursts.

The true determining value of the wealth of an opal is, ultimately, the colour displays that it shows. The more bright and vivid the colours, the more valuable the opal tends to be. Some jewellers have taken it upon themselves to try and classify the range of patterns available in opals such as these, using terms like 'harlequin' and 'flagstone'. The pattern is also taken into account in the price of an opal, with fuzzy, indistinct patterns usually being valued a lot less than a well-defined, crisp pattern.

Due to their visual nature, opals have tended to been associated with all sorts of aspects of the eye, from enhancing eyesight, to preventing or curing eye diseases and often as far-fetched as giving invisibility to the wearer. It is thought that these beliefs stem from the followers of Ozias, the former Mining God turned Jewelcrafting God, claiming that the God gave the gemstones the ability to pierce any disguise or evil act, if placed in front of the eyes.



Prized and visually-pleasing, peridot is a green gemstone, but can be found in all variations within that spectrum. Light to dark green, slightly brown or pure lime, peridots can be quite commonly found by gem hunters and enthusiasts.

The purity of the colour is the main focus within peridots, but the cut of the gem will ultimately determine the majority of the value and worth of a particular specimen. It can often be confused for other green gemstones, such as emeralds, by untrained eyes.

Certain superstitious groups attribute this gemstone to being able to keep away dark or evil spirits from the wearer.

Pink Opal

Pink Opal

Pink opals are merely a variety of the opal gemstone that lack the iridescent qualities that opals have in abundance. They tend not to display any other qualities within them, pink opals are merely that; opals which are pink.

They can range from a very light pink, with an obvious 'mineral' look, or they can be found in remarkable pastel shades resembling sugared almonds or other confectioneries. Such specimens are very dividing among people; some simple do not like the colour, or the look of the gemstone. Their use within a piece of jewellery is usually very specific, due to their particular visual aesthetic.

Not particularly rare, nor particularly valuable, pink opals are nonetheless rather pleasing gemstones to behold. They have often been associated with femininity, though usually within Human-owned regions, and certain aspects often attributes to the female gender, such as compassion and kindness. These values are often scoffed at by female Dwarves, who tend to argue that they are very outdated values indeed.

Pink Sapphire

Pink Sapphire

A very challenging gemstone to categorise, pink sapphires are merely a variant of the sapphire gemstone, that have a pink colouration. Some jewellers and gem-cutters will fervently argue about colour saturations and hues and where the link is drawn between a 'pink sapphire' and a 'ruby', but for now the various societies and guilds involved in the jewellery and gemstone business agree to treat it as a separate gemstone.

Ranging from light pink to almost red, pink sapphires are one of the rarer gemstones in the world. The value of them is based on the richness of their colour and the skill of the cut. Though fashion trends have changed immensely over the years, pink sapphires usually find themselves paired with other pink gemstones, or diamonds, and mounted on rose gold or silver jewellery.

Buyers should be cautious about these stones if they are seeking rubies, which tend to be more expensive.

Due to its rarity, many Miners attribute this gemstone to being particularly lucky, in as much as they've found a specimen of it.

Red Spinel

Red Spinel

Specimens of the spinel can come in various shades of blue, green or even black, though commonly around the continent they are found in the red colouration, ranging from light pinks to dark crimsons.

As with many gemstones, the value in red spinel lies in the colouration, the cut and the clarity of the stone. In part times, the gem was often thought to be a ruby, but gem collectors and jewellers have since identified it as a separate gemstone. Buyers should beware when trying to purchase rubies that they are not offered red spinels instead.

Due to the deep red colours of the gemstones, it is often associated with blood and health. Wearing red spinels is said to bring a life of longevity and devotion, making it a popular gift at weddings.

Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz

A variety of quartz, one of the most commonly found gemstones, rose quartz displays a pleasing light pink to purple colouration. They often appear a milky light-pink rock and are found in large chunks. It is a very popular choice for carving and can be turned into quite large ornaments, including statuettes and vases.

Other than this, it is a fairly unremarkable stone. It is not particularly valuable, unless the artistry present in the carving of the gemstone, or its setting, is of particularly good quality.

Due to the sheer size of most specimens, it is widely believed to be a very popular stone with the Mining God.



One of the most popular choices of gemstone and one of the most valuable jewels available. Rubies are always found in a shade of red, which could range from light pink, to a deep, dark crimson.

The value of a ruby can be greatly affected by the colour of the specimen, the cut of the particular stone and also its setting. It's particular origin may also have a considerable bearing on the price. Smaller rubies of poor colour, clarity or quality, tend to be popular choices for beads or carvings, whereas larger stones of better colour and clarity will often be the centerpiece of a piece of jewellery.

Various superstitions surround rubies, comparing their rich red colour to that of blood and the various attributes that may bring. Many believe it brings protection and is favoured by many of the Warring Gods, who are often depicted with various pieces of jewellery on their persons. Since the very early days of the Dwarves, rubies have been an incredibly popular stone. Standing out with their rich, deep colours and providing a symbol of high status due to their rarity, they continue to be one of the most sought-after gemstones available.



A jewel in league with the upper echelons of the gemstone world, sapphires have captivated the eyes of Dwarves for generations. The startling blue colours, along with their durability and rarity, have elevated them into the highest tier of gemstone. Sapphires come in many colours, including rare pinks and yellows, but the blue sapphire is, more often than not, the one associated with the name. Sometimes they can be a faded, greyish blue, but the 'higher end' of specimens are a rich, vivid blue. To many jewellers, the particular colouration of a sapphire is the most important.

The deep colouration of the sapphire captures the attention of any onlookers, with particular cuts of the gemstone usually being used to accentuate the deep colouration as much as possible, whilst leaving as much of the stone intact as possible as well. Some Dwarven purists desire uncut gemstones in their natural form, with sapphires being some of the most sought after.

Sapphires have maintained their popularity and status since the very beginnings of Dwarven civilisation. The solid colouration and stalwart durability of the gemstone led to the early beliefs that the stone would reflect the wearers own self-discipline and determination.



It is widely understood amongst the various circles of jewellers and gemstone enthusiasts, that serpentine is a combination of a number of rocks that have arranged themselves into a 'serpent-like' pattern, rather than being a 'true' gemstone. This mixture of rocks, then referred to as serpentine, appears as a wavy mix of lines and layers. The vast majority of these specimens tend to be green and the nature of the visual displays and colourations eventually led to its name.

Specimens of serpentine are not particularly valuable, nor particularly rare. The stone itself gains whatever value it might have, from any peculiarities that the patterns within it may reveal, or anything they may resemble. Carvings and ornaments made from the stone are quite popular, especially with the usually striking colouration and patterns of the gemstone.

As always, many have attributed this gemstone to providing protection. Due to its snake-like appearance, some believe that it will benefit the wearer to slow themselves down in their endeavours, whereas more zealous believers will attribute the gemstone to giving protection from poisons or venoms. Some, more scientific minds, believe that the stone may be able to leech toxins from water when filtered through it, which may have led to this belief, but it is not advised to rely on this gemstone entirely.



Sunstones are often orange, as the specimens in this region are, or they are colourless but with various tints of colour within them. They can range from pale pink, to yellow, to deep red. The coloration is similar to the range of colors seen at sunrise or sunset, possibly giving the stone its name. Of course, the pure orange coloration of some sunstones are a more clear indication of its namesake.

Not particularly valuable, its value lies in the coloration, cut, and clarity of the gemstone itself. Sunstone is relatively popular choice in jewellery, for its pleasing colours and cost.

With its links to the sun, many Dwarves generally attribute the gemstone to giving warmth and good luck, though it is never specified in what ways. These superstitions are shared by the Humans of the Maele Kingdom, where due to the mountainous landscape, sunlight is not frequently seen by many of the inhabitants.

Tiger Eye

Tiger Eye

In the warm jungles of the continent, the tiger has been a symbol of strength and aggression since they were first spotted by hunters. Tiger eye is named after these beasts, a striking dark-coloured rock with striations of golden-yellow running through it. Often not carved, tiger eye is usually polished and turned into round shapes, or cabochons, to be set into jewellery. It is unknown whether the gemstone received its name from the colouration of the stone resembling a tiger itself, or whether the glinting of the gold through the dark colours of the rock reminded the first discoverers of this beastly animal.

Whilst it is not a particularly valuable gemstone, it is nonetheless a very striking addition to anyone's collection.

Those who live in the Ariq region, especially guards, warriors and soldiers, take the gemstones slight resemblance to an eye, granting vision and therefore an advantage on the battlefield. To those who live in slightly closer proximity to the jungles where tigers can be found, this stone is attributed to carry the same strength, courage and power that the animal has.

Tigers Iron

Tigers Iron

Understood to be a variant of the tiger eye gemstone, tigers iron includes a good amount of shiny, grey minerals within it. The usual gold colourations are less in number, but still appear as striking as before. The name comes from the inclusions of the grey colour and the obvious similarities between this and tiger eye gemstones.

Similar to its cousin, it is not particularly valuable and usually merely polished and set into jewellery as is.

Those that believe tiger eye carries the attributes that it does, convey similar meaning to this gemstone as well, stating that the iron within it gives the wearer control over their personal power.



Topazes can be found in a number of colours, including blues, reds and pinks, which are valued more highly, to the common yellows and oranges. It is a relatively popular gemstone throughout the continent, as it is one of the more eye-catching gemstones but a great deal less expensive than the 'top tier' of jewels such as sapphires or diamonds.

The colouration is the most important aspect to a topaz, with rich and deep colours being the most valuable. It has a good reputation as a workable gemstone and is usually quite sought after no matter the setting.

Similar to citrine, topaz was thought to attract wealth in the early days of Bormar. Other cultures attribute it to being a gemstone affiliated with the sun, life and rejuvenation.



Tourmalines can be found in almost any colour and also in combinations of different colours. Anything in the green spectrum of colours are quite common, but any other colour than this, in a particularly deep saturation, may fetch a nice sum. As with many gemstones, the cut and clarity of a specimen will be its greatest indication of price.

Through their many experiments, Apothecaries have discovered that tourmaline, when heated, has the strange property of being able to repel things, such as dust or ash. Many Dwarves believe that this property extends to repelling bad luck away from the wearer and redstoneers have taken to wearing this gemstone to keep themselves free from redstone particles during their work.



A popular choice for first-time gem-cutters, turquoise is a light blue stone that appears with a number patterns within it, made from other trace minerals that snake through the stone. Not only is it generally pleasing to the eye it is also very easy to carve, hence its popularity amongst novices.

However, due to its common rarity and the simple fact that it is a stone, not a jewel, the price of turquoise is relatively low, making it a common sight for hand-made pieces at a 'local' level. Specimens with very little patterning running through them, which shows off more of the light-blue colouration, tend to fetch the highest prices. On the other hand, if the pattern is particularly aesthetically pleasing, then it too may command a higher value.

As it is fashioned into a workable state with such ease, it is a common sight in more venerable and ancient pieces of jewellery, found across many civilisations.

Unique Gemstones

The hidden chamber which held the fabled All-Gem for centuries before its rediscovery by the Dwarves of Zietal Mar

The All-Gem

A semi-mythical gemstone, said to be of immense size, astounding colour and acute clarity. The history of the All-Gem is shrouded in mystery, but was recently found on the island housing the new Outpost of Zietal Mar. It now rests in the halls of the First House for all Dwarves of Bormar to enjoy. For the discovery, the dwarves who found the fabled gem were made Heroes of Bormar.

Jewels Of The Sun

Ancient kings of the Ariq were believed to rule with divine right, with their sun God as one of the chiefs of their pantheon. The Jewels Of The Sun are the collective name given to the various yellow and orange coloured stones that adorned the crown used to coronate new rulers, mostly made of heliodors, citrines and topazes. When the light shone on the crown, onlookers would not be able to gaze directly at the face of their ruler. Though the divine right is not outwardly claimed by the most recent rulers of the Ariq region, the crown is still used in coronation ceremonies.

The Koreggi Sapphire

A gigantic, rough-hewn sapphire, wrested from an unknown mine in the Koreggi Mountains. An iridescent, perfect blue with layers of deep green embedded near the center. At some point after its initial discovery, it shattered into shards which are slowly being rediscovered in various pieces of renowned jewellery throughout the land. The bulk of the Koreggi Sapphire is housed at the Bormar Museum of Culture.

The Small Gem

An opal the size of a finger, that is almost unparalleled in its clarity and range of colour shown. As it matches the assumed description of the All-Gem, before its re-discovery, several conflicts were waged for possession of this gemstone, earning this jewel the nickname 'the Small Gem'.

Eye Of Raun'Ka

A piece of jasper painstakingly cut into the shape of an eye of a Grol, including cuts on the exterior of the gemstone to create realistic depth and veins. Widely believed to be the work of a Grol gemshaper and an astounding example of the craftsmanship that their race can achieve, the eye was used by a Grol warlord named Raun'Ka, as a replacement for a missing eye, some fifteen hundred years ago.

Diplomat Of Venge

This colourful name is given to a heliodor of average standard by gemstone qualities, but is famous for popping up at various points in history as being used as a bargaining chip for treaties or trade deals for almost three thousand years. The earliest known use of the gemstone comes from the Treaty Of Venge, between a Grol, Hiskha, and a Human named Harold. The gemstone was offered by the Grol to purchase a plot of land within the territory of Venge. In a historical first, this became the first Human-Grol settlement.